Our connect groups are an important and integral part of church life. We hope and pray that you find your family, and get connected into one of the groups below:

 Tuesdays 7pm


Jotham & Wiebke Rogers - 083 778 5819
33A Milkwood Lane, Salt Rock

Andrew & Tracey Smith - 083 441 8741
Church Alive, 13 Warren Heights St, Ballito

Kumentha & Krishni Naaido - 072 805 3455
Ballito Hills, Ballito

Jim & Phyllis Pillay - 083 441 6465
19 Terrabelm, Avondale Rd, Ballito


Kaya & Andiswa Ngqaka - 083 458 2971
40 Summit Road, Sheffield Beach

Gareth & Irenee Allen - 082 387 7123
Church Alive, 13 Warren Heights St, Ballito

Tuesdays 7pm & Thursdays 10am

Mark Rogers - 076 963 3270
@Church Alive

Wednesdays Fortnightly 9:30am (Ladies Meeting)

Merilda Tselentis - 083 312 4746
79 Lake Turquoise, Palm Lakes

Thursdays 10am

Merten & Bettie Jansen Van Rensburg - 082 876 7635
Palm Lakes

Fridays 6pm

Hudson & Maria Shabalala - 073 035 6276
Francis Mzumarah - 073 911 1166

John & Ellina Mzumarah - 073 778 7646
Stevie Mtambilika - 071 154 1907